Over the last few days, I have enjoyed time with good friends in the mountains. The approaches have been somewhat epic, but holy crap those days were so fun and fulfilling.

OlSON on The centaur

SETH on The Centaur

SETH still on The Centaur

OLSON on Optimus Prime

JEMERSON on No More Greener Grasses

Out of order but CAMP sends DALI sds

CAMP crushing

OLSON close on Super Gui

Kevin fell off the slab on this thing!! holy crap!
NNNOOOOOOOO for kevin. he'll crush next go fo sho.
note: jemerson's "FOOLS: I RAN THROUGH HELL" t-shirt has lived longer and now has been in more climbing media than the run amok shirt...and it is still holding up. a new t-shirt classic, i'd vote.
finally: a simple request: please provide beta for finding this optimus prime line.
its behind the gobot
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